Pentru a deveni membru al Uniunii Romanesti apasati aici

Proiect: Scoala Generalã nr. 281 din Bucuresti

SCOP: Parteneriatul intre Scoala Generalã nr. 281 din Bucuresti si o scoala din strãinãtate.
Specificatii: Scrisori trimise unor scoli din strãinãtate.
Termen: Început pe data de 15 IV 1998.
Stadiul: Terminat 25 IV 1998.

RE: Romanian School seeks partnership with a US Educational Institution.

The Romanian School # 281 from Bucharest is teaching children from 6-7 years old to 14-15 years old, on the first Romanian educational phase - grades 1 though 8.

The education process starts with the learning of the alphabet, for the youngest children 6-7 years old and continues with the teaching of the classic fields such as science, mathematics, literature, foreigner languages, for the older ones.

The school from Bucharest, Romania is seeking collaboration with an abroad educational institution, such as sharing pedagogical experience, children contacts with foreigner children, trips, and if possible assistance with educational materials for the school.

If you are interested please contact the school at Tel (00) .40.1.423.20.50, or write to:

Scoala generala 281
Attn: Director Valeria Hutan
Strada Nasaud 93
Sector 5 - Bucharest
Romania - Europe

This letter reached you with the help of Romanian Union, a non-profit non-governmental international organization that supports educational excellence and promotes cultural growth.

Actiuni si Initiative Anunturi UR Comisia de Experti Scrisori si Mesaje Primite

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